Thursday, January 31, 2013


Barium was first discovered in 1774 by Schelle, the elusive supervilian had been undiscovered long enough and was revealed in the dark when he let off a bright glow. Barium a strong and agile vilian disguises himself in pale yellow. This active metal has an atomic radius of 222 pm and a density of 3.51 g. To his advantage, Barium is almost invisible and can rarely be found roaming the streets at night due to his intolerance to air. Barium is highly reactive and will never hesitate to join a fight if he is insulted. And his enemies should be scared, Barium has the ability to suck away oxygen from his captors like a vacume. Barium is dangerous to others, his presence alone can be fatal to those around him. Unlike other super people Barium can shoot green fireworks from his eyes to light his paths at night. Barium can also turn stone to glass with his touch and can withstand heat up to 1300 F. With a low electronegativity of 0.89 Barium can move quickly when running away for the disasters he causes.


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Option 2:
Three weeks after traveling to Moscow, Mendeleev's mother died. Mendeleev used this struggle to excel and better focus on his scientific discoveries. Mendeleev's mother said, "Refrain from illusion , and seek divine scientific truth." These were her last words to Mendeleev, he most likely remembered this in times of struggle and used it to help him pushed through. Mendeleev's motivation to continue research may often have been his mother's encouragement while she was alive, letting him know she would have wanted him to continue even still after he was gone.
History of the Periodic Table:
The periodic table developed over times due to many scientist's discoveries and innovations. In the 19th century five elements has been discovered and scientists had no idea how they fit together, but were determined to find out. Dalton, a scientist interested in weather, built the foundation for the Atomic Theory. Dalton discovered that different atoms had different weights, and used this fact to attempt to organize the elements. Building off of Dalton's theory, Bezalius measured the atomic weight of every element with equipment he made himself. Bezalius discovered Silicon and found relative weights for 45 elements. Dobereiner then discovered triads of elements that formed patterns, like Lithium, Sodium, and Potassium, this helped him to organize the elements. Canizaro, made leaps to further periodic law, defining atoms from molecules allowing him to calculated atomic and molecular weights. Newlands then proposed a theory saying the elements were similar to a musical scale, that after every eight elements a pattern was repeated, this is called the law of octaves. Mendeleev , the "Russian Leonardo Davin Da Vinci", was able to organizes the elements, following the scientists discoveries. Mendeleev organized the elements leaving spaces for unknown elements, that later fit in his theory as they were discovered, this helped prove the correctness of Mendeleev's theory. After the discovery of protons, Moseley was able to use atomic numbers to prove Mendeleev's table.