Thursday, January 24, 2013

History of the Periodic Table:
The periodic table developed over times due to many scientist's discoveries and innovations. In the 19th century five elements has been discovered and scientists had no idea how they fit together, but were determined to find out. Dalton, a scientist interested in weather, built the foundation for the Atomic Theory. Dalton discovered that different atoms had different weights, and used this fact to attempt to organize the elements. Building off of Dalton's theory, Bezalius measured the atomic weight of every element with equipment he made himself. Bezalius discovered Silicon and found relative weights for 45 elements. Dobereiner then discovered triads of elements that formed patterns, like Lithium, Sodium, and Potassium, this helped him to organize the elements. Canizaro, made leaps to further periodic law, defining atoms from molecules allowing him to calculated atomic and molecular weights. Newlands then proposed a theory saying the elements were similar to a musical scale, that after every eight elements a pattern was repeated, this is called the law of octaves. Mendeleev , the "Russian Leonardo Davin Da Vinci", was able to organizes the elements, following the scientists discoveries. Mendeleev organized the elements leaving spaces for unknown elements, that later fit in his theory as they were discovered, this helped prove the correctness of Mendeleev's theory. After the discovery of protons, Moseley was able to use atomic numbers to prove Mendeleev's table.

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